
I got an interesting comment on my last article/blog/notblog.

In my experience, the people who are crummy people are usually the ones that convince themselves they’re the entitled ones who are great in every way.

I realize, Ceej, that you didn’t say that thinking one is entitled makes one crummy. You just said that most of the crummy people you’ve met do not think of themselves as crummy and most of the people you’ve met who think they are crummy are actually not.

I’ve gone through times when I thought that something was wrong with me and that I wasn’t as good as other people, and with years and years of constant thought, I overcame that attitude. I had freed my mind to the point where I realized that I was comparing myself to other people, and I didn’t have to. Through force of will, I changed my way of thinking and realized that I was always exactly the person I should be. The only thing that has ever been wrong with me is that I thought there was something wrong with me.

And it is by that mode of thinking that I believe there is something wrong with everyone who thinks there is something wrong with them. If you think you are a crummy person, then you are simply because you think so. All you have to do is stop thinking that, and it will no longer be true. When a person refuses to feel bad about itself (using a gender neutral pronoun, not referring to people as objects, though their bodies are), it causes a shift in attitude that, to an outside observer, can resemble arrogance. Maybe it even is, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be there. Some people are every bit as great as they think they are, and some are even greater. And some people are every bit as crummy as they think they are.

Who decides an individual’s worth? Society? The company it work for? Its family? Random strangers? No. Nobody is more qualified to judge the value of an individual than the individual itself.

6 thoughts on “Arrogance”

  1. I think you raise some interesting points, but there still is a flaw in your argument. Society cannot judge a person because society cannot even figure out what’s so great about American Idol. The company only knows the value of the person as far as how well it suits the company’s own goals, which may or may not be a good thing. Random strangers likely don’t know the whole story. But, the person themselves is biased.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with anyone. Stupid people typically cause a lot of problems, but some stupid people go on to do great things. So, the problem is not stupidity. It must be something else. Mental illnesses? Most don’t exist. The few that do are over-diagnosed. Even the few legitmate cases do not make the person crummy. Physical disability, intellectual limitations, financial restrictions. These are all things that COULD cause a person to be crummy only if he allowed it to.

    What makes a person a good or bad person is also not attitude. Thinking of oneself as crummy does not necessarily make one that way, though it can, if one lets it. Thinking of oneself as God’s gift to humanity does not automatically make one God’s gift to humanity and can actually hold one back from becoming God’s gift to humanity, if one is not already there.

    It’s not who you are inside, but what you do that defines you. What makes you a bad person is if you feel life owes you more than you put into it. You don’t have to work for some corporation or some government, or go overseas and kill some people to be a benefit to society. In fact, the most beneficial things, unfortunately, they don’t even pay you for. It’s what we do that makes us so great. Not who we are. We are exactly as intended. That can neither be good nor bad. What we do makes us great, and if we ever stop, we will stop being so great.

      1. I set it to moderate only when a certain combination of letters is put in. It wasn’t in your comment, though, so I don’t know why it sent it to moderation. Besides, why do you care if someone who isn’t your friend moderates your posts?

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